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Connecting to the repository

Setting up your Gerrit profile

In order to use Gerrit to contribute and review code you will need to add your credentials. Both SSH and HTTPS are supported, the latter is recommend for starters and its usage will be explained below.

  1. Navigate to Gerrit at
  2. Sign in (link in the top right corner) entering your EOL or TDL External credentials.
  3. Your user name will appear on the top right of the page. Click on it, the select Settings.
  4. In the menu on the left, select HTTP Password.
  5. Click on "Generate password" button.

Gerrit has a secure password for your HTTP access. When cloning a repository you will be asked to insert username and password: use the password copied from the Gerrit settings, not your EOL password. Don't worry, you will need to insert that only once.

Clone your project

This is a procedure that should work in most of the cases and is good for starters with Git and Gerrit. Experienced users can rely on their preferred cloning procedures.

  1. Navigate to the project general page (List of all the projects), for example the TOP test project.
  1. Now select the options "Clone with commit hook" and "anonymous http" (we suggest anonymous since it seems the only way to make it work with Windows Credential helper).
  1. Copy the command shown in the page into the clipboard.

On Windows

The following assumes you are working with Git-for-windows and TortoiseGit.

  1. Open the folder on your PC where you want the files to be put.
  2. Right click on the white space and select "Git Bash Here".
  3. Paste the command that you copied from Gerrit and hit "Enter"
  4. You will be asked to insert user name and password by the Windows Credential Helper. Insert your EOL user name and the HTTP password you generated in the Gerrit Settings. Check the "Git Bash". If it says "Unauthorized": try again the command (hit the Up key and it will be shown), this time in the Windows Credential Helper click "Cancel", then a new window will pop up where you should put again the EOL user name and the HTTP password.


  • You can find all the project repository URLs on Gitweb or on Gerrit
    • On Gitweb
      1. Click on Gitweb menu on the portal menu bar.
      2. Select a project to see the available cloning URLs
    • On Gerrit
      1. Click on Gerrit menu on the portal menu bar.
      2. Click on "Projects" menu on the Gerrit menu bar.
      3. Click on "List" menu.
      4. Select a project to see the available cloning URLs.

Setting up a local environment for development and testing

  • Install following additional components
    • Sirius Specifier Environment
    • Sirius Properties Views - Specifier Support
    • Xtext Complete SDK
  • Check out the repository
  • Import the plug-ins in the Eclipse workspace
  • Generate the meta-model code
    • Open the tdl.genmodel
    • Right click on the top-node and generate model code
  • Generate textual editor code
    • Open the GenerateTDLan2.mwe
    • Right click and select Run As -> MWE2 Workflow
    • Optionally (or alternatively) repeat the same steps for the GenerateTPLan2.mwe (for editing structured test objectives)
    • Optionally (or alternatively) repeat the same steps for the GenerateData.mwe (for the graphical viewer)