Users and other interested parties are invited to actively contribute to the development and evolution of TDL. Contributions in the form of change requests or mailing list discussions on various technical topics can be initiated through the channels listed below.
TDL Mailing List
Be informed of any TDL related activity by subscribing the TDL mailing list: Click here to subscribe
Clicking the subscription link will open an email to with the following body: "Subscribe TDL". Simply send the email, and you will be added to the TDL list automatically. Click here to see and browse its archive!
TDL Change Requests
Change Requests (CRs) for any part of the TDL standards are managed by a TDL development and maintenance team which is part of ETSI's MTS technical committee (TC-MTS). The following rules and instructions shall be followed:
- TDL CRs shall only be reported via ETSI's Bug Tracker (Mantis) under the sub-projects corresponding to the different TDL parts.
- A CR shall include a description of the related use case and it may propose a concrete solution (example: original text + revision marks) in the attachment. If the solution is inadequate, the reporter will be requested to provide a refined one. If no solution can be found, the CR may be rejected.
- The maintenance group may propose alternative solutions. These will be discussed publicly via Mantis with the reporter.
- The TDL mailing list may be a forum for discussion of CRs and other technical comments but final resolution of all CRs will be the combined responsibility of maintenance group and TC MTS.
- Wherever possible CRs will be resolved by maintenance group, with the agreement of the reporter. Final arbitration rests with TC MTS.
- Please make sure to select the relevant sub-project first before reporting issues!
Anyone can track the status of any reported CR on any part of the standard after signing up for an account. Please note that standard maintenance work is not a full-time activity. You will receive responses within a reasonable time-frame, but probably not immediately.
TDL Toolset Issues
If you encounter any issues with the TDL Toolset, please report them on the TOP project.
TDL Helpdesk
Beyond the mailing list, the issue and CR trackers, you can also send us any tooling, testing or specifications related questions to
TDL Promotion Team
This website is maintained by the TDL Promotion Team (TPT), which is formed by members of:
- ETSI Methods for Testing and Specification (TC MTS)
- ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI)
Please help us to maintain it up to date by submitting relevant news and articles to or